2025 Legislative Agenda
Requires bill language to be publicly posted online for at least 72 hours before a final vote, ensuring we all have time to review legislation.
Makes the Legislature subject to open records and open meeting laws while mandating disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, holding elected officials accountable.
Prohibits taxpayer dollars from funding political organizations, restricts certain nonprofit appropriations in budget bills, and grants the Governor line-item veto authority for clearer, more transparent spending.
Ensures that legislative redistricting follows open meeting and public records rules.
Strengthens transparency by requiring agencies to estimate a proposed regulation’s economic impact before moving forward. If the impact is $500,000 or more, the measure must secure legislative and gubernatorial approval, ensuring greater accountability in rulemaking.
Requires publication of detailed legislative budgets and salaries, giving Nevadans a clear picture of where our funds go.
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